Sun Tzu said, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” This quote encompasses everything, even your bed bug problems.

Indeed, if you know your enemy, you will not be fearful of the upcoming struggles. If you are struggling with bed bug problems, knowing them should be your first move.

In this article, we will provide all the information that you need to resolve your bed bug problems. Continue reading to know more.

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are tiny, flat parasitic insects that only consume the blood of humans and other animals at night. Bed bugs are wingless, reddish-brown in color, around the size of Abraham Lincoln’s head on a coin, and may survive for several months without a blood meal.

Because they are nocturnal, bed bugs are active at night. Carbon dioxide attracts bed bugs. When we are in the deepest stages of sleep, these bugs find our breath much more appealing.

Where Can You Find Bed Bugs?

Infestations of bed bugs typically happen in or close to sleeping places. In the daytime, they conceal themselves in areas like the seams of mattresses, box springs, bed frames, headboards, dressing tables, inside cracks or crevices, behind wallpaper, or any other mess or objects near a bed.

The Life Cycle of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs typically take four to five weeks to develop from eggs to breeding adults. The adult bed bug can live up to 6-12 months. And a breeding adult bed bug produces 1-3 eggs a day. The presence of just one adult bed bug is sufficient to cause a severe bed bug infestation.

The Life Cycle of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs typically take four to five weeks to develop from eggs to breeding adults. The adult bed bug can live up to 6-12 months.

To breed, bed bugs must first puncture the female in the abdomen and then inject their sperm into the wound. Throughout the whole life of the female, that sperm continues to fertilize the eggs. The females have a maximum daily egg production of 10 and a maximum lifetime egg production of 500.

The presence of an adult bed bug alone is sufficient to cause a severe bed bug infestation.

Bed Bug Removal and Treatment in Houston, Texas

If you start to see bed bugs in their every life stage, you might have an infestation. Removing them every time you see them will not stop their infestation. One way to effectively eliminate them for good is by hiring a pest control service, like Life After Bugs.

Our Bed Bug Removal and Treatment is the best in Houston, Texas. We deal with every infestation professionally. We offer different treatment methods because every situation differs from another.

There are different methods to eradicate bed bug infestation. There are heat treatment, chemical treatment, fumigation, vacuum, monitor, and canine inspection.

If you want to learn more and you live in or near the Houston area, we are ready to help – call us today.