How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees?
If carpenter bees have already invaded your home and laid eggs in the exterior you should call a professional pest control company experienced with carpenter bee removal. They are aggressive and it’s not worth getting attacked by multiple large bees to save a few dollars.
There are several different approaches to consider when trying to get rid of carpenter bees. To prevent an infestation plant citrus trees around your home, deck, or any other areas near bare wood surfaces. A citronella candle or diffuser can also help repel carpenter bees.
Are Carpenter Bees Destructive?
Carpenter bees are very destructive and capable of causing seriously damaging untreated wood surfaces outside your home. They can cause serious damage to older wood structures, siding, and exterior elements. They bore 1/2” holes in a perfect circle but are also capable of boring chambers and tunnels several inches long to create secure chambers for their young. If your home sustains carpenter bee damage proper treatment is crucial to salvaging the integrity of older wooden structures.
Carpenter Bees Damage
When are Carpenter Bees Most Active in Texas?
Carpenter bees are most active in their nesting season from late spring to mid-summer in the Texas Gulf Coast area. You should keep a close eye out for signs of these bees in May and June, their most active nesting period.
What Signs of Damage from a Carpenter Bee Infestation Should I Watch For?
The telltale signs of a carpenter bee infestation other than seeing them with your own eyes around the house are perfectly round holes bored into wooden surfaces. They are so perfectly round that they look like they were created by a machine, but they were bored by a female carpenter bee to nest the eggs of her unborn children.
What type of wood do carpenter bees prefer to lay their eggs in?
Carpenter bees prefer to nest their eggs in plain untreated and unpainted wood.
- Cypress
- Pine
- Redwood
- Cedar
Older homes that have wood paneling, shudders, and siding are more susceptible to carpenter bee damage because they are more likely to have one of these types of wood.
Which parts of a home exterior are vulnerable to carpenter bee damage?
The parts of a home exterior that are more susceptible to carpenter bee damage are areas built with untreated wood including but not limited to:
- Wood Siding
- Wooden Decks
- Wooden Playsets
- Window Trim & Frame
- Wooden Eves
- Eaves & Fascia
- Shutters
When Should I Call an Exterminator for Carpenter Bee Control Service?
If you notice any signs of damage from these bees at your home or witness them flying around your home you should call an exterminator right away. The unseen damage usually far outweighs what you can see on the surface, so removing the carpenter bees and treating the damaged wood is essential to keep your home’s exterior secure.
Contact Life After Bugs for Carpenter Bee Removal
If you experience any signs of an infestation or see damage on wooden surfaces call Life After Bugs at (832) 230-6433 or email us to request service. We have locations in Houston, Katy, and Richmond, Texas, and offer free pest inspections should you suspect carpenter bees are moving in.